Authors/Editors:Zong-Hong Lin, Yu-Lin Wang, Wenzhuo Wu, Chih-Ting Lin, Toshiya Sakata, Mark Ming-Cheng Cheng, Lluis Marsal, Shelley MinteerProduct Code:T202311103PDF
$144.42 - Volume 111, Issue 3 - Solid-State Electronics and Photonics in Biology and Medicine 9
Authors/Editors:Vidhya Chakrapani, Colm O’Dwyer, D. Noel Buckley, Arnaud Etcheberry, Andrew C. Hillier, Robert Lynch, Philippe Vereecken, Heli Wang, Gautam Banerjee, Sonia Calero-Barney, Marko Tadjer, Vidhya Chakrapani, Jennifer Hite, Travis Anderson, Steve Kilgore, John ZavadaProduct Code:T202311102PDF
$73.22 - Volume 111, Issue 2 - Processes at the Semiconductor Solution Interface 10 & Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 24
Authors/Editors:Hemanth Jagannathan, Zia Karim, Kuniyuki Kakushima, Paul J. Timans, Evgeni Gousev, Stefan De Gendt, Durgamadhab Misra, Yaw Obeng, Fred Roozeboom, Joao Antonio Martino, Bich-Yen Nguyen, Jean-Pierre Raskin, Francisco Gamiz, Siegfried Selberherr, Eddy Simoen, Hiromu IshiiProduct Code:T202311101PDF
$92.74 - Volume 111, Issue 1 - Silicon Compatible Emerging Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced CMOS and Post-CMOS Applications 13 & Advanced CMOS-Compatible Semiconductor Devices 20
Extended Manuscripts of the abstracts presented in Printed and Wearable Sensors and Systems 2, included in the technical program of the 242nd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society. Where submissionmore»
Product Code:T202210916PDF
$83.29 - Volume 109, Issue 16 - Printed and Wearable Sensors and Systems 2
Extended Manuscripts of the abstracts presented in Recent Advances in Sensors and Systems 3, included in the technical program of the 242nd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society. Where submission tomore»
Product Code:T202210915PDF
$163.98 - Volume 109, Issue 15 - Recent Advances in Sensors and Systems 3
Extended Manuscripts of the abstracts presented in Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 23 (MSIL - 23), included in the technical program of the 242nd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society. Where submissimore»
Product Code:T202210914PDF
$189.17 - Volume 109, Issue 14 - Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 23 (MSIL - 23)
Extended Manuscripts of the abstracts presented in Electrosynthesis of Fuels 7, included in the technical program of the 242nd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society. Where submission to ECS Transactmore»
Product Code:T202210913PDF
$184.13 - Volume 109, Issue 13 - Electrosynthesis of Fuels 7
Extended Manuscripts of the abstracts presented in Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells, and Solar Fuels 12, included in the technical program of the 242nd Meeting of the Electrochemical Societmore»
Product Code:T202210912PDF
$184.13 - Volume 109, Issue 12 - Photocatalysts, Photoelectrochemical Cells, and Solar Fuels 12
Extended Manuscripts of the abstracts presented in Solid State Ionic Devices 14, included in the technical program of the 242nd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society. Where submission to ECS Transacmore»
Product Code:T202210911PDF
$170.81 - Volume 109, Issue 11 - Solid State Ionic Devices 14
Extended Manuscripts of the abstracts presented in Frontiers of Chemical/Molecular Engineering in Electrochemical Energy Technologies 2: In Honor of Robert Savinell's 70th Birthday, included in the tmore»
Product Code:T202210910PDF
$115.93 - Volume 109, Issue 10 - Frontiers of Chemical/Molecular Engineering in Electrochemical Energy Technologies 2: In Honor of Robert Savinell's 70th Birthday
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