Authors/Editors:J. Hite, V. Chakrapani, J. Zavada, T. Anderson, S. Kilgore, M. TadjerProduct Code:T202009704POD
$73.75 - (Print on Demand) Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 21 - 237th ECS Meeting $59.00 - (Print on Demand) Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 21 - 237th ECS Meeting
Authors/Editors:H. Jagannathan, K. Kakushima, P. J. Timans, E. Gusev, Z. Karim, S. De Gendt, D. Misra, Y. S. Obeng, F. RoozeboomProduct Code:T202009703POD
$77.50 - (Print on Demand) Silicon Compatible Emerging Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced CMOS and Post-CMOS Applications 10 - 237th Meeting $62.00 - (Print on Demand) Silicon Compatible Emerging Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced CMOS and Post-CMOS Applications 10 - 237th Meeting
Authors/Editors:P. Mascher, F. Rosei, D. J. LockwoodProduct Code:T202009702POD
$67.50 - (Print on Demand) Nanoscale Luminescent Materials 6 - 237th ECS Meeting $54.00 - (Print on Demand) Nanoscale Luminescent Materials 6 - 237th ECS Meeting
Authors/Editors:D. Misra, Z. Chen, D.-K. Ko, Y. Obeng, D. Bauza, T. ChikyowProduct Code:T202009701POD
$93.75 - Dielectrics for Nanosystems 8: Materials Science, Processing, Reliability, and Manufacturing - 237th Meeting $75.00 - Dielectrics for Nanosystems 8: Materials Science, Processing, Reliability, and Manufacturing - 237th Meeting
Authors/Editors:Barrera, T. et al.Product Code:T202009707POD
$148.80 - (Print on Demand) Selected Proceedings from the 237th ECS Meeting Montreal, Canada - Spring 2020 $186.00 - (Print on Demand) Selected Proceedings from the 237th ECS Meeting Montreal, Canada - Spring 2020
Authors/Editors:T. Kazda, F. Klein, M. SedlarikovaProduct Code:T202009901PDF
$153.97 - 21st International Conference on Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells (ABAF 2020) $123.18 - 21st International Conference on Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells (ABAF 2020)
Authors/Editors:T. Barrera, M. Manivannan, S. Narayan, H. Xu, H. Chen, M. Dollé, Y. S. Jung, F. Lin, Y. Mo, J. R. López, W. Xu, I. Zenyuk, B. Li, T. Nguyen, D. Steingart, K. Harrison, X. Meng, X. Wang, H. Zhou, M. Arnold, P. Atanassov, J. Blackburn, C. Bock, D. Cliffel, V. Di Noto, S. Doorn, X. Ji, M. K. Song, B. Flavel, Y. Gogotsi, H. Imahori, Y. Li, P. Kulesza, S. Maruyama, S. Rotkin, R. B. Weisman, M. Zheng, SProduct Code:T202009707PDF
$148.46 - Selected Proceedings from the 237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020) Montreal, Canada - May 10-14, 2020 $185.57 - Selected Proceedings from the 237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020) Montreal, Canada - May 10-14, 2020
Full-issue downloadable PDF edition of ECS Transactions Volume 98, Issue 13: 4DMS+SoRo: 4D Materials & Systems + Soft Robotics.
Authors/Editors:Ajit Khosla, Larry A. Nagahara, Jessica E. Koehne, Praveen K. Shekhar, Nianqiang Wu, Peter J. Hesketh, Shekher Bhansali, Hiroaki Suzuki, Tomoyuki Yasukawa, Yasuhiro Shimizu, Masanobu Matsuguchi, Tsuyoshi Tanaka, Takeo Hyodo, Mikito Yasuzawa, Haesik Yang, Byung-Kwon Kim, Joohoon Kim, Seong Jung KwonProduct Code:T202009813PDF
$57.53 - 4DMS+SoRo: 4D Materials & Systems + Soft Robotics - PRiME 2020 (PDF) $46.02 - 4DMS+SoRo: 4D Materials & Systems + Soft Robotics - PRiME 2020 (PDF)
Full-issue downloadable PDF edition of ECS Transactions Volume 98, Issue 12: Chemical Sensors 13: Recent Advances in Chemical and Biological Sensors and Analytical Systems.
Authors/Editors:Yasuhiro Shimizu, Larry Nagahara, Jessica Koehne, Praveen Kumar Sekhar, Tomoyuki Yasukawa, Tsuyoshi Tanaka, Takeo Hyodo, Haesik Yang, Byung-Kwon Kim, Joohoon Kim, Seong Jung Kwon, Nianqiang (Nick) Wu, Peter Hesketh, Ajit Khosla, Shekhar Bhansali, Mikito YasuzawaProduct Code:T202009812PDF
$43.54 - Chemical Sensors 13: Recent Advances in Chemical and Biological Sensors and Analytical Systems - PRiME 2020 (PDF) $34.83 - Chemical Sensors 13: Recent Advances in Chemical and Biological Sensors and Analytical Systems - PRiME 2020 (PDF)
Full-issue downloadable PDF edition of ECS Transactions Volume 98, Issue 11: Microfabricated and Nanofabricated Systems for MEMS/NEMS 15.
Authors/Editors:Sushanta Mitra, Ajit Khosla, Jessica Koehne, Peter Hesketh, Shekhar Bhansali, Qiliang Li, Sang Woo Joo, Durgamadhab Misra, Xiangchun Xuan, Minghu Pan, Shizhi Qian, Helmut Baumgart, Petr Vanysek, Changshi XiaoProduct Code:T202009811PDF
$43.54 - Microfabricated and Nanofabricated Systems for MEMS/NEMS 15 - PRiME 2020 (PDF) $34.83 - Microfabricated and Nanofabricated Systems for MEMS/NEMS 15 - PRiME 2020 (PDF)
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