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ECS Detroit Section: All Solid-State Battery – A Status Update

September 26, 2024
Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America, Inc.
35555 W 12 Mile RD
Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3139 
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The ECS Detroit Section invites you to “All Solid-State Battery – A Status Update” presented by Y. Shirley Meng (University of Chicago) on September 26 at Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America, Inc. Dr. Meng is Professor at the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago. She serves as the Chief Scientist of the Argonne Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science (ACCESS) Argonne National Laboratory.


Compared with their liquid-electrolyte analogues, solid state electrolytes SSEs have drawn increased attention as they promote battery safety, exhibit a wide operational temperature window, and improve energy density by enabling Li metal as anode materials for next-generation lithium ion batteries. Despite suitable mechanical properties to prevent Li dendrite penetration, relatively wide electrochemical stability windows, comparable ionic conductivities, and intrinsic safety, most SSEs are found to be thermodynamically unstable against Li metal, where SSE decomposition produces a complex interphase, analogous to the SEI formed in liquid electrolyte systems. An ideal passivation layer should consist of ionically conductive but electronically insulating components to prevent the SSE from being further reduced. The past four decades have witnessed intensive research efforts on the chemistry, structure, and morphology of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) in Li-metal and Li-ion batteries (LIBs) using liquid or polymer electrolytes, since the SEI is considered to predominantly influence the performance, safety and cycle life of batteries. All-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) have been promoted as a highly promising energy storage technology due to the prospects of improved safety and a wider operating temperature range compared to their conventional liquid electrolyte-based counterparts. While solid electrolytes with ionic conductivities comparable to liquid electrolytes have been discovered, fabricating solid-state full cells with high areal capacities that can cycle at reasonable current densities remains a principal challenge. Silicon anode offers a possibility to overcome the challenges that lithium metal anode faces. In this talk, we will highlight solutions to these existing challenges and several directions for future work are proposed.


Student Posters

A limited number of student posters will be presented. To participate, contact the event organizers at Every presenter receives one year of free access to Detroit Section events. An award will be presented. Look for more information about the poster session in September.


1800h Posters and Dinner

1900h Speaker



Professionals: USD $20

Student presenters: USD $0

Student non-presenters: USD $10



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