Course description: ...
This course covers the basic theory and application of electrochemical science. It is targeted toward people with a physical sciences or engineering background who have not been trained as electrochemists, but who want to add electrochemical methods to their repertoire of research approaches....
Description is not available at this time...
This is a special course covering the fundamental basis of ac electrical measurement and its application to modelling functional materials with focus on gas sensors. Case studies are presented for both resistive and potentiometric type gas sensors, as well as mixed ionic-electronic conductors (MIECs)....
Professional development opportunities, such as workshops, professional panels, and career resources are offered by ECS at its biannual meetings. ECS works to provide workshop opportunities for students, early career researchers, and experienced professionals....
This course is for scientists and engineers with interest in the fundamental principles of biosensing. The topics covered include an overview of different bio-recognition and detection methods and their application to biosensing in wearable sensors for human health....
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