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Oxide Films: A Symposium in Honor of Clive Clayton on His 65th Birthday – 224th ECS Meeting

Oxide Films: A Symposium in Honor of Clive Clayton on His 65th Birthday – 224th ECS Meeting

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Quick Overview:
This issue of ECS Transactions might be viewed as the third published volume from a series of four ECS Symposia that have been associated with Prof. Clive Clayton highlighting the importance of innovative and advanced interface analysis methods in understanding environmental materials interactions, the first of which was held in 1991. Starting from his graduate studies, Dr. Clive Clayton made unique and powerful contributions to the field of surface and interface analysis, and this volume is a fitting tribute to his past and ongoing work in the field. His pioneering research in the application of combined chemical spectroscopies, electrochemistry and synthesis to complex problems in passivity, coatings development and performance and degradation of materials have provided an invaluable contribution to our understanding and the advancement of the field.

$51.35 - Oxide Films: A Symposium in Honor of Clive Clayton on His 65th Birthday

Number of pages:159
Year published:2014
Authors/Editors:Chidambaram, Halada, Roeper, Baer, Fujimoto
Event Title:224th ECS Meeting: San Francisco, California
Product Code:T201305841
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